By now, everybody knows inflation is lighting the fire under everyone’s financial bottom line, except for those who are very well-off. Housing inflation is apparently the worst. But what’s behind this all? And how will it end?
We know that the trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve has credited to the US Treasury is really the root cause of this inflation, and it looks to be increasingly out of control. How will the Fed call retrieve all those inflationary trillions, and stabilize the economy it has so badly destabilized? And in the context of red hot housing prices, how will people be able to afford buy homes and pay the rent again?
Even professional analysts and respectable economists are beginning to acknowledge that inflation is a growing problem. There has been some talk of “quantitative tightening” by the Fed, along with increasingly dire predictions of a crash in both housing and the stock market.
But what if there is no crash? How is that possible, you may ask? It’s actually quite simple. The government and big business will gradually raise wages and salaries of workers to catch up with inflation. Housing will not crash, and neither will stocks, because more trillions will continue to be funneled to the banks and big business. Baristas at Starbucks and Amazon delivery drivers will feel great as they pull in $95k annual wages. Of course, the average starter home will cost $1 million, but with interest rates at zero and plenty of available credit, that won’t be so much of a problem.
So, what’s the catch? Well, in this inflationary tidal wave, it will be the savers and seniors who will perish. Retired boomers on fixed incomes and bits of Social Security will be forced into progressively more impoverished lifestyles, until the have nowhere to live, no place to go, and nothing to eat. Unable to affort Medicare Supplement Insurance, they will be forced into the lowest tier of healthcare, and the system will betray them. Meanwhile, the millenials and generation-Xer’s will wipe their brows with relief that they are working and making money, while the mainstream press pushes the narrative that it was the boomer generation who created this problem and brought it on themselves, and thus they are to blame and getting what they deserve.
As far as the one percenters are concerned, this is the way it’s always been, and that’s the way it should be. It’s out with the old, and in with the new. When they speak of “the Great Reset” it’s not just about greening the environment and improving manufacturing efficiency. It’s just as much about resetting national and worldwide demographic profiles to be more consistent with productivity and economic growth. And that means letting savers, pensioners and retirees die, to free up space for the hungry worker bees who are making honey for the big corporations and institutions.
Many workers were proud to be designated “essential” workers during the pandemic, like nurses and truck drivers. But never lose sight of the fact that in the view of the financial parasite classes, the real “essential” workers are bank executives and military hardware purveyors. These classes will always be rolling in money, unless the working class somehow manages to cut them down to size.